Find out more about the clinics and services available at the surgery.
Antenatal Care
All doctors at Clarendon Medical Centre are qualified to provide care during pregnancy in conjunction with the midwife. Most of your antenatal care will be provided at the surgery on...
We hold an Asthma Clinic for both children and adults. It is run under the doctor’s supervision by the practice nurse who has been trained to advise on the care...
Cervical Smears
Cervical smear tests are performed by our trained practice nurses.
Child health
Child development clinics The practice provides Child Development Clinics at Clarendon Medical Centre with the health visitor on Tuesday mornings at 9.15am. We feel it is important to find any...
Chronic disease annual reviews
The practice recalls patients with the following chronic diseases: Diabetes Asthma Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Cardiovascular disease We also recall at-risk patients for annual flu vaccination.
Diabetic clinic
We hold a Diabetic Clinic every week run by a doctor and a nurse trained in the management of diabetes. A dietician also attends periodically, and we have excellent relations...
Elderly screening clinic
Screening for health problems associated with ageing is available by appointment each day with the practice nurse. Over 75 years We offer an annual check to our patients aged over...
Family Planning
We provide the full range of family planning services. Like all services provided by the practice, this is completely confidential. Please make a routine appointment with your doctor or practice...
Heart disease prevention clinic
This clinic screens for risk factors associated with the development of heart disease, such as smoking, increased blood cholesterol and raised blood pressure. Appointments are available routinely.
Medical check-ups
Our Practice has identified our most vulnerable patients looking at a combination of age, medical problems, prescriptions, hospital attendance etc. We have dedicated nurse time set aside to recall or...
Minor surgery
We are able to perform some minor surgery procedures such as joint injections and the treatment of warts by liquid nitrogen.
Travel health
Stay safe and healthy abroad If you are travelling abroad you may need to be vaccinated. Please make an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss the vaccinations you will...
Routine and travel vaccinations for all ages are available during surgery times by appointment with our nurses. Flu/Pneumonia Vaccination Programme During October each year we commence our vaccinations against the...
Well Woman Clinic
These clinics are run under a doctor’s guidance by the practice nurse, and offer a general medical check-up, including a cervical smear when indicated.
Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 1st August, 2022